A Picnic With Coin: I’ll Bring the Strawberry Jam

After not releasing music in two years, Coin makes their comeback with yet another fruit-titled single, “Strawberry Jam.” It’s a classic Coin move and the perfect song for summer. 


The first time I heard the song, I was driving with my friends with the windows down in my favorite city. Even now, I wish I could relive that moment over and over again. I was trying to soak it all in, fully immersing myself into all aspects of the song. 

To say that I was excited that my favorite band was back was an understatement — I knew that this was only the beginning of what might be my favorite era of Coin. After a few more listens, I knew that this song was meant to be listened to on a warm summer day; the song had me wishing I was in a field having a picnic surrounded by my friends. 

The song begins with some gritty tones of the guitar leading into the first verse. I feel as though this would be the picnic blanket itself, setting the base for the rest of the song. It leads up to the first verse where lead singer Chase Lawrence’s raw vocals fill the space with lyrics that begin a narrative of introspection, setting the emotional tone for the rest of the song. This would be the freshly baked baguette with, you guessed it, some strawberry jam. A little messy, yet sweet treat the lyrics are trying to portray. 

The chorus is very guitar and bass driven with a little kick of the snare drum coming in just before the harmonica. It feels like taking the first bite, realizing how good it is, and going in for another. After the first chorus, the sound of the harmonica makes its way into the song. To me, it makes the song feel whole. Even a little twangy — “Cointry” music if you will. It’s the perfect addition that ties everything together. In my head, this is the people you’re sharing the picnic with, all of the memories that you’re making together throughout the experiential song. 

Finally, the fadeout of the song is when you and your friends make a toast together. Take a sip of the sparkling water, savor the moment and relish the simple joys of life. In the end, combining memories and melodies makes the perfect jam, like cherished companions at a picnic. 

“Strawberry Jam” captures the essence of summer. Just like a perfect picnic with friends, it leaves listeners savoring the experience and eagerly anticipating the next bite. Coin’s return is a celebration of both the past and the future, blending nostalgia with new beginnings in a way that only they can. 


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