Hippo Campus Blends Melody and Melancholy in Their Newest Single "Tooth Fairy"

Hippo Campus’ catchy, upbeat songs are guaranteed to captivate the ears of any listener, and their newest single, “Tooth Fairy,” is no different. The new projects of Hippo Campus are not ones you want to miss. Released alongside a dreamlike music video that perfectly brings the lyrics to life, the track evokes vivid imagery and strong emotions. 

The song opens with Jake Luppen’s soft vocals, a simple guitar melody, and, in true Hippo Campus fashion, the frequent use of metaphors and symbolism. Phrases in the first verse such as “quick knife in the back” and “busy living in your shadow” set the tone for the mental and emotional journey listeners are about to embark on when listening to this piece.

As the song progresses, we are slowly introduced to new instruments. The drums start gently but pick up rapidly near the chorus as new themes are introduced through dynamic imagery and heavy instrumentals. The recurrent lyric, “Lost my teeth in a dream that I had,” suggests fear and vulnerability, as losing teeth in dreams is thought to symbolize a negative self-image and diminished well-being. The lyric “White dental floss in the palm of my hand" adds a tangible element signifying attempts to hold things together and maintain order amidst the chaos. 

Leading up to the chorus, Luppen sings the standout lyrics, “Got a new pair of shoes and a fear of the dead,” juxtaposing life’s new beginnings amidst the inevitability of death. The song showcases the sharp contrast between optimism and dread, which seems to be a recurrent theme throughout. 

The instruments lower in volume as the chorus shines through, emphasizing the contents of the lyrics. The repeated lines, "You got a lot of things to say, you got a lot that's on your mind,” highlight the disparity between one's internal battles and the external demands placed upon them. Following these lyrics is a burst of beautiful instrumentals that perfectly complement the build-up that we heard through the first verse and pre-chorus.

The second verse of “Tooth Fairy” continues the theme of lack of reciprocity in communication. The lyrics and metaphors refer to wasted time and effort in an endeavor that isn’t yielding positive results, which are clearly shown in the phrases “isn’t money well spent” and “if we get divorced”.

Introducing new elements while retaining the rhythmic structure, the second pre-chorus is equally as heartbreaking as the first. The symbolic representation of scraping one’s knee, a chicken that “never shuts up”, and a broken van show the emotional turmoil and persistent annoyances, reinforcing the themes of entrapment and despair. The repeated plea of “Too slow, let's go, get me out of my head,” echoes the themes of desperation to break free from the mental anguish that has been described throughout this painful yet dreamy song. As Luppon grapples with internal fears and the complexities of personal relationships, “Tooth Fairy” paints a picture of a mind striving to escape itself to attain clarity and peace. 

Hippo Campus has created a complex experience for any listener by pairing melancholic lyrics with a vibrant and danceable sound. This powerful contrast can evoke a bittersweet feeling, resonating deeply with listeners who can relate to the sadness but are uplifted by the energy of the music.


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