More Than Just Country: Nashville Does Hyper-pop with REALFICTION, Maggie Miles, and Henry J. Star at The End


Nashville is more than just country music; it is also a late ‘90s dive bar and venue that has hosted the likes of The White Stripes and Sleater-Kinney that feels frozen in time in the best way. 

Since moving to Nashville, I have spent a lot of time weaving my way through sweaty and tightly packed crowds at The End to see friends and favorite bands play its iconic stage. Hanging out on the patio in between sets, enduring the cigarette smoke and heavy smell of cider, waiting for one of the rickety wooden benches to open up, and seeing every single person you’ve ever met in Nashville appear and disappear in that courtyard at some point during the night. If you’ve been there, you absolutely know the vibe. 


Usually, though, bands play on the main stage, as one would assume. For this show, featuring Henry J. Star, Maggie Miles, and REALFICTION, they decided to decorate the landing (where they usually set up merch and have an extra standing room that overlooks the stage) and turn it into an immersive experience, complete with hi-tech LED screens courtesy of Joey Broadnax. 

I have known Broadnax for a few years, mostly as Pleaser favorite Briston Maroney’s Creative Director and music-video-director-extraordinaire (check out the video for “Bottom of The Ocean” they filmed in one day, on a day off from tour in 2022 - it’s the coolest). Being a visual artist who works closely with musicians, we also featured him in our second print issue, detailing how he produced and directed music videos virtually during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

At the same time that he was locked in his house, continuing his artistry through his computer, he was rooming with Jason LoCricchio – the other half of REALFICTION. Out of boredom, they started experimenting with music and fusing their styles to form their project, which has now become a beast of its own, with live performances that feel like energy surges and fans who come ready to scream and sing their songs at the top of their lungs. 


We met up with the boys of REALFICTION outside The End on a sticky beginning of summer day in May and took some portraits, caught up, and had some laughs as we tried to come up with creative poses and made our way through the maze of speakers and technology set-up they had on the actual stage. We stayed around for the Henry J. Star soundcheck after our portrait session, and even though they don’t have music out – prepare yourself for what’s to come. I’m so excited!

As the show started, the room was packed - a lineup of three stellar local Nashville bands who have all changed and grown into the artists they are now in front of these same crowds for years, drawing in so many familiar faces - a testament to the supportive nature of the music scene I am grateful to be a part of. 

Maggie Miles was up right after Mr. Star. She took to the stage with her cool fusion sound – smooth and sultry vocals, R&B guitar riffs, and bass lines mixed with electro-pop production – blended to create a captivating live set. 

REALFICTION was up last, and they brought so much infectious, raw energy to the room, that I was immediately enraptured. The audience was hyped, the visuals were brilliant and bright, and the musicians on stage were all so intentional you couldn’t help but want to jump along. 


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